
Make history with us as we change the economic landscape for women veteran business owners. Sponsorship opportunities vary from facility to program development. Let your support for women veteran entrepreneurs be known by sponsoring our Co-working Space, Conference/Copy Center or Café Lounge. Get actively involved in our Enrichment Activities or Opportunities for Expansion or Advancement.

Join a movement that will make a real economic impact for female veterans, their communities and our nation! 


Only 1% of Americans choose to serve in the military and women veterans represent 10% of all veterans, yet services designed specifically to address women veterans are limited or often nonexistent.  

The National Women’s Business Council article “Female Veterans and Entrepreneurship – Promoting and Supporting Women Vetrepreneurs” (2015, November) states:

“. . . As the number of female veterans continues to increase, it is critical that our programs target this changing demographic. Increasing awareness of existing programs, making those programs more welcoming to women, and developing new programs entirely can help empower women veteran entrepreneurs.”

Identifying and addressing the vast variety of issues facing women veteran business owners is a difficult task, which requires the engagement of numerous individuals and organizations with a systematic purposeful strategy for success. The Veteran Women's Enterprise Center in southern Dallas is just the beginning.