Terms and Conditions
Please note, that by applying, registering, attending and/or participating in Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center (VWEC) events or programs, you automatically consent to the use of your name, voice, images, likeness, and any and all attributes of your personality, and/or that of your minor children (18 and below), in, or in connection with, any film, audio tape, video tape, audio-visual work, photograph, illustration, animation or broadcast, in any media or embodiment, including, without limitation, all formats of computer readable media, produced by, of and for the benefit of the Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center and its partners and/or sponsors involved with event.
You have consented to the use, reproduction, editing and/or broadcast by Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center of any and all photographs, video recordings and audio recordings of you taken by or on behalf of Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center, from this event, without compensation. All negatives and positives, prints, video-recorded images and audio recordings shall constitute the property of Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center solely and completely.
Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation related to the use of your image or recording.
If you are applying, registering and/or attending an event at the VWEC, by entering the venue, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, and the VWEC disclaims any and all liability related thereto. By completing this process you accept these terms and conditions
By applying, registering, attending and/or participating in this Veteran Women’s Enterprise Center (VWEC) events or programs you acknowledge that you have completely read, and fully understand, the above release and agree to be bound thereby.
Many VWEC events and programs include a non-refundable and/or refundable registration fee depended upon attendance and/or successful completion of the event/program. Details and requirements are specific to each event/program.